Why You Need an Akismet on your site!

As you all know this blog page is mainly for reviews on affiliate programs. However today I want to toss out some info on protecting your site from those little Spammie Enchiladas running a muck on the internet and getting into your site and possibly stealing your affiliate codes. The main reason they do it though is to get higher ranking on the search engines with out your permission. There is a lot of money involved it so they will do what ever it takes to get it.

I will do a complete write up on the little thieves later this week.

Akismet? For the bloggers that have been around a while you already know or should know that you need to have it on your blog page.

It is vital to have it in order to keep the spammers at bay. I personally get somewhere in the neighborhood of about 6-10 a day and to tell you the truth most of them are so un-original that they really just doop themselves.

Here is an example of what a stupid spam message looks like… I have gotten this one by three different ding dongs. It’s the exact same message…

Hi, good post. I have been woondering about this issue,so thanks for posting. I’ll definitely be coming back to your site.

What a bunch of monkey’s peeling the same banana’s !!!

The positioning is that they want you to think they are really interested and get you to post the comment. It is a cheap shot at best to get a back link to their site. Lazy Lazy Lazy…

Alright so go get your Akisment plugged in today so you can help yourself fight these guys off.

How do you do that?

Get in your back panel of your site and you will see in the plug in section:

AKISMET CONFIGURATION: Click on that and it will take you through the set up.

Till next time…

Rhonda G.

Stay well and healthy!

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