For those of you who have not had the pleasure of working with Viral URL, you are in for a big treat.
I came across this nifty tool via an email that was sent to me from a fellow affiliate marketer.
Now, this guy does not usually send me emails concerning his own links or products but he just put together a new program with a sales page and to get a quick shot of traffic to it he jumped on this free site called Viral URL.
Out of curiosity of course I had to take a peek at what this thing actually does.
Cool, it’s free to sign up I thought to myself so no harm no fail. So, I signed up. At first I was a little confused at on how it all worked.
Duh, tutorials were right in front of me. Awsome Awsome Awsome!
Anyhow, I took about thirty minutes more than I really wanted to due to time constraints but knew if I didn’t I would not get the full benefit out of the concept and workings of how it goes viral with ads.
This is where it gets really cool. You actually earn credits by clicking on other ads that then in turn click on yours and so on. So, yeah totally viral at this point. Also, and you had to know this was coming, AFFILIATE Program to sign up for.
I have another cool site that is close to the same concept but I am keeping it to myself for a couple of days until I test it as well.
Have A Productive Day!
Rhonda G.,
I was just looking for info about this when I stumbled on your blog post. I’m simply visiting to say that I definitely liked seeing this post, it is very clear and well written. Are you going to write more on this? It seems like there’s more depth here for later posts.