Looks like the Two Thumbs Up may have been flipped a bit early on Viral Tweets.
It is such a shame when something looks like such a great thing on the outside and turns out to be shallow at best. I love the concept of the tool and I did see some hits on it.
Now, in my last review on Viral Tweets I had only gotten the free version. It was brought to my attention by one of the readers to this post that the follows on my twitter page were not growing.
I had planned on going ahead and dropping the cash for the Upgrade but had a small gut feeling that maybe I should try to contact the company first.
Hmmm, It’s about a week later and not one response. I emailed again today and asked again if they could get back to me.
As of yet I have not heard from them.
I am going to see if any response comes through by noon tomorrow.
I will b sure to post and let you all know. I am hoping there is a glitch in their system? ( uh, yeah)
I am looking at a couple of other twitter items and am hoping for a better outcome.
I will give another report by noon tomorrow on this.
Please feel free to comment on this.
Rhonda G.
Have a Productive Day!
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I had problems loading one of the files, others may have the same problem. My web host has a limit to the size of a file their ftp service will upload. To get around this simply download & use the free trial version of Smart FTP. I'm also building a list of other viral tweet sites as well.