Tag Archives: Word Press Plug In

Twitter Tool Plug-in!

So how many of you know about the twitter tool plug-in for word press?

Thought so,

So now you do if you didn’t before.

If you are looking for a cool free way to generate a bit of twitter traffic to your post, you have got to check this one out!

I actually just heard about this from my beautiful LBC on the last conference call.

Here’s how you get it..

Log-in to your Word Press admin and get to your plug-in area.
Go to the search box and type in twitter tools.
You can actually do the install right from the admin page unless you want to upload it from a zip file. I don’t see why you would want to but hey, that’s your choice.

Anyhow, just thought I would share this with everyone that is looking for ways to keep the traffic flowing!

Don’t forget to sign up for your free subscription to my newsletter for some more cool ideas and tools you can start putting to use.

Talk Soon,

Rhonda G.
Have a Productive Day!