Tag Archives: Internet Marketing

Build an Affiliate Marketing Home Business

Many people have taken the big career step and joined an affiliate marketing business. This business can be a great career. Success in any business will not happen over night. You need time and effort. However, if you are persistent, determined and willing to give it your all, affiliate marketing can be the perfect career opportunity for you.

To become the so called super affiliate, you should really follow the advice of other successful affiliates. They know from where they speak. Concentrate on a niche. Don’t try to sell everything at once. Start with one thing at a time. Start your business as soon as possible. Once you have some strategies worked out you can always expand.

Promotion is the key to your success. Search engine and the web is usually the best way. After time you may want to try ppc. Be certain you know and understand. Many affiliates have gone for is option only to find that their profits have been eaten up.

Know your market. People will see you as trustworthy. People will start trusting you. You must gain the trust of others. Your revenue and business can be stronger.

Don’t fear business diversification. Be certain to join several merchant programs. Study the merchant agreements. Join several merchants to increase your chances. You can protect your business this way.

Watch current market trends. You must be ready to make changes. Network Marketing is continually changing. Stay open to change. Watch your business and be ready to make changes.

Don’t give up. There are failures in any endeavor. Its not due to poor products. Don’t give up too quickly. Don’t forget any business takes time to build. You must stay focused. Do something everyday to build your business. You’ll see results in the end.

Its great to work for yourself. You have the freedom to work on your own terms. There is a good deal of work to do with affiliate marketing. Growth can happen like in any business. However, if you stick to the advice in this article and don’t give up, you’ll soon find that your business is booming. Affiliate marketing is a great business opportunity. Success can be achieved with hard work.

One way to start making money online would be to become an affiliate of a program like simple sites big profits. You can earn commissions promoting the sale of such electronic products fast and easily through clickbank in this case. If you follow this formula you’ll need to acquire the services of a web hosting company for your websites.

Russell Brunson Fights For the Dream!

Russell Brunson HOT HOT HOT!!

I just got an email from one of my mentors “Tellman Knudson” and he had a link to this page for “Micro Continuity” So I go and check it out, I mean its from Tellman.. (I totally trust him when he says something rocks and I should check it out)

This link sent me to one of the most incredible videos I have seen this year.

Honest, insightful,amazing!

What Russell talks about is the video is the truth about Internet marketing and what I preach all the time. It is NOT easy to make a buck online unless you know how to do it and get conversion.

Also, he puts so much heart in this and shows in the video EXACTLY what he does daily. This is from a live seminar he did. I have watched three times already and am listening to it as I write.

This is HYPER training and I am putting it in to action over the week-end. I love free little diddies like this that I can share with my readers.

Check it out and get yourself to that next level. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment on this one! I want EVERYONE out there in  Internet and Affiliate Marketing to see this. This guy deserves everything good thing in life.

He gives first, he has heart, he is a fighter, he is a family man, and he helps thousands of people fulfill their dreams both personally and professionally.

I could keep writing about this but time is of the essence on this.

Here is the Video.

SO you wanna get in the Affiliate Review Guru’s Head?

Protect Your Commissions… Build Your List… Instantly Profit…
Click here to get access to the ViralURL.com now!

Alright already…

I have been getting lot’s of questions from my subscribers asking me to let them in on my thought process and how I get time to actually test and write about the software, tools, and affiliate programs that are out there. (I’ll get to that in a moment)

Yes, there are a crap load of them and about 90% of them are absolute junk from what I have personally witnessed.

This does take time and dedication to get to the root of it all.

First off there is the burning question new online marketers and affiliate partners and marketers want to know the answer to:


Uh, here comes the open can of worms…


O.k, so we got that biggie out of the way.

I will repeat this all day everyday if needed.

Education is a must in this game of internet marketing. Here’s the problem most seem to have.

The Scenario:

Jump on line
Surf pages
Sign up for everything
Get you mail box filled with stuff
Go through your mailbox and delete all the stuff you just signed up for.
Rinse, Repeat…

Come on kids this is not rocket science.

Sit yourself down, write out on paper what it is you want to accomplish.

Need a head start? alright here are a couple of thoughts.

First off you might want to get the notion out of your head that if you hit a button you will get rich. REALITY CHECK!

If anyone could just push a friggin button and make a gazillion dollars on line we would all just be pushing buttons, sitting back and whistle dixie all the way to our paypal accounts.



    Lets say your driving your car to a destination you have never been before.

    Whats the first thing you need to get there? Oh, you already know?

    Winner Winner Winner!

    Yes the almighty map with directions..

    Well unless your one of those that don’t need a map and get lucky once in a while to get there from instinct. I’m certain you have never been lost or gotten turned around before. right?

    O.k, back to me for a minute.

    I use my road maps! I sit down and draw them out point A to point B.

    Do I ever get turned around or take a fork in the road? Of course I do but I do everything in my power to stick to the map.

    Education: I educate myself on what I want to learn but it goes further than learning it.


    If I ever gave one valuable piece of advice that was given to me from LISTENING. It is this..

    Take what you learn and immediately put it into an action step. It does not matter if you goof something up along the way, you can fix mistakes. However, if you do not take that step to even know if you are going to goof it up your just spinning your wheels and staying in the same spot. Sounds pretty hopeless.

    So, here is my day in a little nut shell.

    I wake up, get dressed, NO PJ’s allowed…(Be ready for anything that comes at you.) Being dressed and ready for business will put you in a mind set of a business person. “I am pretty sure making money online constitutes as running a business.”

    Get a bit of exercise in so I can actually have oxygen running through my brain so I can be as productive as possible.

    Get to work… No phone calls, No emails, Cell phone off…

    I take two hours right out the gate and go down my list of TO Do’s that I already had written out the night or even the week before.

    Focus Focus Focus.

    It takes 15 minutes to get into a zone of focus and clear understanding. So now you’ve got 105 minutes left to get a whole bunch of stuff done.

    Here is an example of what you can do with 105 minutes.

    (This is For Everyone Pretty Much)

    Get a Blog posting done:
    15 minutes or less including pinging and bookmarking.
    Get your Twitter On auto tweets for the day.
    15 minutes or less with social tweets as well as affiliate links attached.( always make time to be social and thankful to your followers..Do Not Spam them) Be true and honest with no B.S.
    Get your affiliate links organized and lined up for marketing:25 minutes at least if you have a handful of companies.
    Make sure you are Marketing for the companies you are an affiliate for. If you just jump around from on to the next you are wasting your time and not benefiting yourself or others that may actually be looking for the product you have to offer.
    Get in your auto-responder and make sure you are updated in your email campaigns. 30 minutes. This is one of the most important places you want to take care with. Content is everything to your subscribers. They trust you as an adviser to give them what you said you would when they signed up in the first place. Do not send junk to your email subscribers. You will piss them off and they will unsubscribe.
    Go through your training that your affiliate partners give you in order to help you succeed. 30 minutes to refresh and put into action. If you are working with a company that does not offer this and you are not making money for them or yourself, well, personally you may want to drop the deal with them. All the best programs out there will have training that you can easily understand and put into action immediately.

    O.k, so I went over by about ten minutes but you get the picture.

    This is what I do. It works for me. I hope it will help you out a bit.


    Rhonda Giarraffa
    Protect Your Commissions… Build Your List… Instantly Profit…
    Click here to get access to the ViralURL.com now!

Giving Value as an Affiliate!

It’s one thing to be an affiliate but a completely different animal when it comes to giving value as an affiliate.

Affiliate marketing seems to be in a stage of rush at this point in time. I mean, there are tons of newbie affiliates jumping on the wagon to wealth and that is awsome. However, there are many that still have gotten the wrong advise from some of the bottom feeders that are purely in it for a quick buck.

This is where we as the more educated marketers need to help out. Yes it is true that there is always a compete but there is also heart that should go into what we do.

So, to the newbies of affiliate marketing, I will give to you value in everything I put out there.

I know there are other marketers online that will stand with me on this as we move forward in our niches and want to truely make a difference.

Lets look at it this way, if there are tons of new affiliate marketers and even veteran marketers out there that have learned bad behavior from others that are not giving value, it will eventually hurt those that are serious about our way of making an honest living.

Lets keep in mind here that Affiliate Marketers are the extended arm of both small companies that have great product to offer as well as large corporations out there that hand the preverbial marketing stick to us.

We know how to get around the internet, we know how to go on auto-pilot and we know how to make money.

If we do not teach the up and comers the right way to market we are really shooting ourselves in the foot.

I was a mess when I started marketing on line. I had to dig deep to find the right answers and all the tips and tricks for transposing my off line marketing skills to the internet world.

I acutally at one point had the same bad taste in my mouth about on line marketers simply because the small amount of bad ones were so bad about it that they took the good light out of it and #$%# it up for the those that actually had value to give.

I welcome all coments on this post and have faith that there is still more good that there is bad out there.

Let’s all give value as affiliates to those that are jumping in the game.

Have a Productive Day!

Rhonda G.

Follow Me on Twitter!

Viral Tweets Update

Looks like the Two Thumbs Up may have been flipped a bit early on Viral Tweets.

It is such a shame when something looks like such a great thing on the outside and turns out to be shallow at best. I love the concept of the tool and I did see some hits on it.

Now, in my last review on Viral Tweets I had only gotten the free version. It was brought to my attention by one of the readers to this post that the follows on my twitter page were not growing.

I had planned on going ahead and dropping the cash for the Upgrade but had a small gut feeling that maybe I should try to contact the company first.

Hmmm, It’s about a week later and not one response. I emailed again today and asked again if they could get back to me.
As of yet I have not heard from them.

I am going to see if any response comes through by noon tomorrow.

I will b sure to post and let you all know. I am hoping there is a glitch in their system? ( uh, yeah)

I am looking at a couple of other twitter items and am hoping for a better outcome.

I will give another report by noon tomorrow on this.

Please feel free to comment on this.

Rhonda G.
Have a Productive Day!
Launch Tree

The Honest Affiliate

Rules and Guidelines: to be the “Best You Can” as the “Honest Affiliate”.

So often I see the issues that surround the complaints of what could be great prospects on purchases from our online buyers.
It is a crying shame that we as affiliates can get our names smudged from those that have been not so honest about what they are doing out there.

Look, I know it gets a bit tough at times in this field. I mean, there is just so much to do and only so many hours in the day to complete all the tasks required to make the sale.

The issue is that the tactics that some have used just to make a few bucks are sad at best. Don’t get me wrong; there are tactics, strategic planning, launch strategies, email campaigns and other various models we all must follow to get the marketing for our partners out to the masses. However, when you skirt your way to the money, it is just as bad a stealing.

It may not be that it is even done on purpose in many cases but it does happen.
Here are some great guidelines and personal rules you can go by to keep yourself positioned as the honest affiliate!

Rule #1:
Never Spam Anyone On Purpose!

Rule #2:
Make Sure You Have an UNSUBSCRIBE link on your emails to your email list.

Rule #3:
If You Copy Email Text From Your Partners, READ THEM CAREFULLY! In some cases the content will have a line that states: “I just bought this program myself and love it” or “I have been using this program and it is the best”
It’s fine and good to keep that in there but only if you have actually been using it. Other wise you are miss leading the buyer.

One great way to overcome this obstacle is to put your own text in that portion of the pre-written content. Something along the lines of “ This is an incredible program, I have been following what these guys are doing and think they have nailed it on this one!”

Most likely you have been following them by reading up on them, knowing what the program does and so forth. You now are not putting yourself in a situation to get the TAR and FEATHER from your subscribers if the program they purchase is not all it is cracked up to be.

Create a “policies and procedures” model for your business.
If you are in this for the long haul and are serious about making this your business, then you need to treat it like one.
Create honest copy in your campaigns.
If something looks cheesy to you, really think about it before sending it out.
Choose wisely while shopping the market place. There are some fly by nighters out there.
Keep yourself focused on a few campaigns at a time and focus on them until you have decided weather or not they are working for you.

Think about what it is you are trying to accomplish with each campaign.

Always remember, people can see through B.S. all day long.
Practice being as honest at you can on a daily basis and incorporate this into you company policy.
Yes, that is where that saying comes from.

“Honesty Is Your Best Policy”

Have A Productive Day!
Rhonda Giarraffa