Tag Archives: E-commerce

The New StomperNet

Alright everyone…

It is finally here!

The new Stompernet opened its doors for business today after the initial kick off on 09-09-09.

I have personally watched all of the free tutorials offered and was absolutely floored and quite honestly a bit overwhelmed.

I have to say I did not have any idea what I was in for when I started digging in to all the SEO as well as Social media stuff I consumed.

You may have noticed my last post was on 08-31-09.

There are basically two reasons it has been so long since my last post.

Reason 1: I have working feverishly on the Affiliate Learning Links Tutorials and getting ready to release them to you all.

Reason 2. The New StomperNet.

While working on the soft launch of  Affiliate Learning Links, I got stuck on an issue that I wanted to put in the tutorials. I knew who to go to in an effort to get the answer I needed so that I could pass it on in my tutorials.

Here’s the thing, I always lean of folks like Andy Jenkins, “formerly of StomperNet” and a few other guru’s out there that I rely on to get stuff fast from when I need it. The funny thing about Andy J. and Brad Fallon, is their StomperNet offices are about 20 minutes from my home. I have never been there, never personally met either one of them and never had more than grab and go information from their team.


I have been on all of the GoTo Meetings leading up to the release of Stomper999 and the new StomperCommerce. I am about as spent as you could imagine but I am better than ever at what I do and I will blame it all on the team at StomperNet.

I originally though these guys were only good at SEO. “NOT” They are masters at it and at showing folks how to build e-commerce sites.

Now, I have had e-commerce sites in the past and did not do well with them simply due to the fact that my passion is in affiliate marketing and training.

Guess what? I just learned how to tie all of that in to one big engine simply by listening to what these guys say to do.

So, this is not just a review on The New StomperNet, this is a testimonial on what I have walked away with from listening to them and letting go of some old habits that were unproductive.

I encourage everyone reading this to go and check them out.

I also, being the affiliate that I am, to jump on the affiliate wagon and promote the hell out of them. Sign Up Here to Become an Affiliate for them!

To Your Success!

Rhonda G.