Tag Archives: Affiliate Training Video

Russell Brunson Fights For the Dream!

Russell Brunson HOT HOT HOT!!

I just got an email from one of my mentors “Tellman Knudson” and he had a link to this page for “Micro Continuity” So I go and check it out, I mean its from Tellman.. (I totally trust him when he says something rocks and I should check it out)

This link sent me to one of the most incredible videos I have seen this year.

Honest, insightful,amazing!

What Russell talks about is the video is the truth about Internet marketing and what I preach all the time. It is NOT easy to make a buck online unless you know how to do it and get conversion.

Also, he puts so much heart in this and shows in the video EXACTLY what he does daily. This is from a live seminar he did. I have watched three times already and am listening to it as I write.

This is HYPER training and I am putting it in to action over the week-end. I love free little diddies like this that I can share with my readers.

Check it out and get yourself to that next level. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment on this one! I want EVERYONE out there inĀ  Internet and Affiliate Marketing to see this. This guy deserves everything good thing in life.

He gives first, he has heart, he is a fighter, he is a family man, and he helps thousands of people fulfill their dreams both personally and professionally.

I could keep writing about this but time is of the essence on this.

Here is the Video.