Does AdSense Make Sense?

So many questions on the Google AdSense topic.

I persoanlly believe AdSense makes sense if you are using it correctly.

I My self have had to go through the ARRRRGGG, moments to get this figured out and position my page in order to not have what I feel are my competitors running ads to my potential customers.

There are great tutorials that google hands out in an effort to educate the adsense users.

While at first I was frusterated with the whole darn thing, I got a bit sour with google but then had to realize it really is my own fault for not reading the recommended articles and tutorials they have.

I Encourage Everyone who is using Adsense or is considering using Adsense to read up on the features and benefits as well as how to make it work properly for your pages.

I finally “Got It” when I started reading about how to make the channels work to your benefit. Also you should run tests on your pages with different channels.

Once you start partnering with google in a way that it is beneficial to both parties, that is when you will get a better CTR.. (click through rate)

I am going to run a series of test on this page and report back to you all on what I find is best for this styl of page.

So yes…AdSense Does Make Sense!

2 Thoughts on “Does AdSense Make Sense?

  1. This is very hot info. I’ll share it on Digg.

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