This afternoon I recieved a message from a newbie affiliate that had tons of questions on how to get started making money on the internet as an affiliate.
There are definately steps to this wonderful world of affiliate programs and lots of information to absorb. So if you are serious about doing your work and treating it like a business you will need to take it one step at a time and be willing to push yourself to stay focused and dedicated.
Now to Click Bank:
What is it and Who the heck are they?
ClickBank is basically a marketplace that links products and manufacturers to affiliates.
It is a secure site that you as an affiliate can join for free.
ClickBank has tons of offers from publishers that will pay you a commision on your online sales.
How and where do you start?
Sign up for my newsletter and you will get all the right info you need.
I will be offering a downloadable Ebook in the very near future that I am currently finishing up with step by step actions to take.
Note: The E-Book is for the Newbie’s only…
All other affiliates are welcome to it as well of course but this is really geared to help out those that are just starting out.
For the affiliates out there that are ready for the next step in marketing and are ready to become publishers of their own products, I will again suggest Click Bank as your escrow company to handle the financial end.
Have A Productive Day!
“Never Surrender To The Procrastinater Inside!”
Rhonda Giarraffa