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Affiliate Marketing Training Videos
O.k, You want one of affiliate marketing training videos now??
You asked and you shall receive…
Just for you I am putting the Affiliate Learning Links “Pre-Presentation” Video Tutorial on this page so you can wrap your mind around the concept of Affiliate Marketing.
This is also on the sign-in page where you go to get your FREE affiliate marketing training tutorials…It is supposed to be an extra surprise once you get there but I know how you all can’t wait sometimes to get your hot little hands on the goods…
Also, This is part of your training..POST VIDEOS ON YOUR BLOG PAGES!!
It is great for getting higher rankings with YOUTUBE!!! YAHOO For GOOGLE!!
I will also point out here as another freebie, that the words I am writing on this post are all relevant to getting higher rankings with the search engines.
For instance, once I am done with writing this content, I will then go in the wordpress back panel and put YOUTUBE, YAHOO and GOOGLE in my keywords as well as few other little fun things I do with keywords.. We’ll save that stuff for the free FAST TRACK TUTORIALS. I’m not giving it all away here… I don’t want to get off track here. So we will take it all one little step at a time so you can get from one point to the next. FAIR? Cool!
Oh and if you do not know how to put Videos on your page in WordPress…We got that covered too..
Let me know how you are doing with the training.
God Bless You All For Making A Choice To LEARN!!!!
Rhonda Giarraffa
Affiliate Stumbling Blocks Removed!
Hello fellow affiliates!
I was asked to write a post on the stumbling blocks that affiliates come across and how to remove them. While this is a very large subject to cover, I am going to do it a real quick lay out so you can finally wrap your brain around it and move forward with your affiliate business.
Here are a list of the biggest stumbling blocks most affiliate marketers come up against.
- Confusion about all the information flying around on the internet and not being able to focus on one thing at a time.
- Get rid of the urge to keep switching from one thing to the next. Just cut it right out of your mind set. If you keep searching constantly you will use up all of your valuable time and never get to the next level of your affiliate business. You absolutely must finish one task at a time.
Check List:
- Get a domain name
- Get a hosting account
- Get an auto responder account
If you have not done these simple little steps yet. STOP HERE and GO DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!!
If you do not know how to do this, click here and I will give you step by step video tutorials that I have made for you. They are FREE!
This is a link to my other site AFFILIATE LEARNING LINKS…We just turned it into a POWER SITE and are going to do a formal launch on it on August 20th. If you like the free stuff I am giving out on it I would love it if you can help me promote it!
I hope these will help remove a few things for you. Please write and let me know if these help you out!
Stay Well,
A+ FOR AWEBER! The Affiliates Auto-Responder.
While I have written about my respect for AWEBER in the past, I am going to do it again now and most likely will a few more time before the year is out.
AWeber just keeps moving and shaking with their auto responder service.
As you all know I am a big stickler on customer service and will cut ties fast if it is bad. Not only does AWeber have one of the best Auto Responders out there but they also have incredible customer service,training tutorials and a killer test drive deal they promote almost all of the time.
This company has running a business down to a science and are increasing in momentum daily. I absolutely love them!
If you are ready to take your next step and really start making money as an online marketer of affiliate marketer, A Weber is definitely the place to help move you forward.
This was given to me from AWEBER to put on this page for your convenience!
AWeber proves it to thousands of businesses every day.
Learn how email marketing software
can get you more sales, too.
I will be releasing my personal video tutorial on working with AWeber so you have even more skill and how to get everything tied together to start building your opt-in box that will tie to your email campaigns.
If you have not already subscribed to theBrain Buzz news letter, do it now so you can grab the free video tutorials!
Till next time!
Rhonda G.
The Newbie Affiliate and the Guru
Alright everyone,
Today,s little lesson is geared toward the Newbie Affiliate.
The term Newbie is not in any way, shape or form to meant as an insult or looking down upon. It is just the term that happened to stick in the business world for anyone starting out fresh in any industry.
We have ALL been newbies at one point and I will testify first hand that is so frustrating in the beginning if you do not have the right answers when starting this new way of life.
There are many rip off artists out there that can seem so genuine and honest. If you do not know how to spot them, you are in for a world of losses and pure aggravation. I suppose that is exactly what got me started on the whole review tangent.
I totally have your back on this one.
So you want to make money online eh?.
Where do you start?
How do the people out there do it?
Can I really get rich?
What is the best way to pick a product to promote?
What the heck does an affiliate marketer really do anyway?
Lets go down the list together shall we?
Where to start:
Before you do a thing, you start from within and decide what type of niche you are most drawn to. You can build on different niches as you go along. Lets just take it one step at a time o.k?
Once you have made a decision on your niche, get over to Google and do a keyword search on the niche you have just chosen.
If it pulls up a lot of other interest in the search engine, chances are you have a good niche and can start the ball rolling on promoting companies that have the products that fill that need in the market place. Cool?
O.k, lets take the next step.
How do other people out there do it?
Loaded questionn. We all have different ways of running our businesses. We have different thought processes, different passions and different business models we go by. However if we take that same question and change it up a bit to something like, “How do the Super Affiliates and Guru’s do it?” Well now we have a much better question. Agreed? Awesome..
There is a formula to it all when you start digging your heels into it.
One thing that is agreed upon by all the Super Affiliates and Guru’s is this:
One big mistake I see with many newbies is they do not know this value yet. And yes it is Value. Think about it this way. When you are looking for something online to either learn or purchase, do you stay on pages that give you nothing up front? There has got to be value in everything you do. Not only will your potential customers thank you and actually buy from you but you will have the knowledge that you are giving the best you can give up front. No strings attached. Just great content and information to educate your readers and lead them to making their own decision on weather or not they want to buy from you. You are competing for business just like in the off line world. People buy from their friends and from authorities they trust and like. If you not build trust and keep honesty in your business dealings, YOU ARE DONE! Baked, Cooked And Fried! Got It?
Now I could go real deep here with a complete business plan and road map for you but I won’t do that here because I do plan on writing a book along with some video tutorials to sell you one day.
For now if you just can’t wait for it here is a link to on of my favorite GURU’s that made this just for the Newbies…and yes this is an affiliate link of mine... (See, upfront and honest!) “This is one you can TRUST.”Click Here! I will get to that whole who to trust thing with products out there as well.
Next one:
Can I really Get Rich?
Again, this is a question you need to answer for yourself. Can you? Well, yes. Will you? Depends…
We all have the same opportunity to make our dreams of financial freedom come true. First off, you need to decide what rich really means to you personally. If you are really asking can I become a millionaire off of this type of business. Absolutely you can! But it is work and dedication. Just ask any millionaire in the world what they do daily to get there and the list will amaze you.
What is the best way to pick a product to promote?
Be very selective with whom you jump in the sack with on this one.
My suggestion is you sign up for a click bank account and start looking through the programs that are offered. Look at the pitch pages from the owners of the products.
If it looks like crap to you chances are it will look like crap to someone else. Also look at what the offer for affiliates are.
The best offers will be no less that 50% of the commission. These guys know that we the affiliates make up for close to 90% of their sales. So be sure to compare the product with the rate and do investigate who you are dealing with.
You can always ask me to give the scoop on them. When you subscribe to my newsletter you will have access to my email as well. Fair?
Next and last:
What the heck does an affiliate marketer do anyway?
We do exactly just that. We market online products to the world. We have several ways of doing this but for now here is just a small list. And it is a BLAST!!!
We write blogs, articles and newsletters. We do click bank campaigns. We make pages on our websites (easy to do by the way) that promote products. We add links to our pages with our affiliate codes. We educate, inform and encourage others.
We love what we do and make money at it.
So, now that you have a little bit more..And I hope this helps..
Remember to always have love in your heart and give thanks for every window of opportunity that comes your way. And most of all Give First, Reciprocate and always do what you say you will do.
Here is the link to Ewen’s Newbie Affiliate Course
Rhonda G.-