Monthly Archives: October 2009

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Awesome video from Andy http:/…

Awesome video from Andy

Why I left StomperNet http://b…

Why I left StomperNet Not me.Andy JenkinsThis is a good read and I love him for all he has taught me without knowing it.

Internet Marketing And The Role Of Email Marketing

When you hear the term “internet marketing“, what do you think of?

For many, that term conjures thoughts of websites or spamming or search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. For others, it’s all about graphical design, writing fancy code or even affiliate programs. All of those answers correct, but the essence of internet marketing is much simpler.

At its core, internet marketing is about these things:

* Understanding the target market to which the product/service/cause you’re marketing will appeal
* Determining exactly how your target market interacts with the internet
* Positioning your content on the internet to attract the attention of your target market
* Collecting information about your target market (also known as “leads”) for follow-up and conversion into sales
* Design of offers or incentives to induce the desired actions from your leads

Since there is insufficient space in this article to give all of these topics adequate attention, let’s focus on just one specific topic with the realm of internet marketing: Email Marketing.

My best payoff has always come by focusing on permission-based email marketing. Permission-based email marketing refers to the practice of collecting information (including email addresses) from website visitors and communicating with them via e-mail with their direct consent. The “permission” aspect of permission-based email marketing is what separates legitimate email marketers from the spammers that everyone despises.

My love of email marketing is strong for one reason: It works very well. Email marketing has been much like a never-ending goldmine: It enables us to produce income on demand simply by sending a good offer to our list. When you have thousands of loyal subscribers – as we do – and you put a strong and compatible offer in front of them, income becomes nearly automatic.

However, the key to successful email marketing is the development of a legitimate trust relationship with your subscribers. If you opt to send your subscribers a request for purchases every single day, they will likely tire of your badgering and cease reading your emails altogether.

Alternatively, if you take the time to provide good content to your readers on a regular and frequent basis, you’ll discover that your readers take all of your emails far more seriously, and as a result your emails will be opened, read and acted upon with greater frequency. Essentially, email marketing is really an exercise in trust.

Even though there are more sides to internet marketing than just email marketing (permission based), email has been the foundation that our business sits on.

Reasons for reverse phone searches

One of the advances in technology is the ability to trace people’s phones.Law enforcement agenices have been doing it for a long time now.But they were the only ones who were doing it until recent times when the information technology advances made it possible for it to be offered to the public.But now many companies are offering this kind of service to the public that’s why the general public can use it already.Now anyone who has a suspicion can answer it by using this service.

There are many reasons why someone would want to do a reverse phone number look up.  One of the reasons is monitoring who your children are involved with.  With teenagers being more and more secretive it has become necessary for parents to know these things.  Especically with the problem of drugs and alcohol.Concerned parents can use this as a way to know the activities of their children.

Another reason is when the wife/husband thinks that her/his spouse is cheating on her/him.  When this happens they can quickly do a reverse phone number search.If your spouse is cheating on you he/she is not probably using the phone in your house.But of course in cellphones you can just check the phone calls history. A spouse can jot that number down and then start the searching.

Finally you can do a reverse phone look up if you yourself are getting unwanted phone calls.You might get harrassed so you would want to find out who is the culprit behind this prank calls. This does not usually happen because most people now know that a phone number is now easily traceable.  But if it did you can do a search.

As you can see there are several reasons why people need to use reverse searching.It is very effective to use and it will help you find answers for your suspicions.It can confirm whether your suspicions about your spouse is true or otherwise. It can help you with your children by tracking who he/she is hanging out with.  And they can help you stop harrassing phone calls.  The services that can do this are cheap and they work.If you think that you really need to use it then this readily avaible for you.

Small Business Web Hosting Choices

When you’re looking for a reliable web hosting company, especially if this involves your home business, then you probably want to locate a vital directory to find web hosting. You’ll need to decide if you want to have shared or dedicated hosting, do you like Windows or Linux, the choices and decisons you need to make may seem limitless. When choosing your web hosting service it’s one of the most important decisions that you need to make rabout your business.If you choose good company’s then there will be no problems for you when it comes to giving your customers exactly what they require and keeping yourself headache free. If you end up with a bad hosting company then it’s just nonstop problems, you’ll have problems with too much downtime to a lack of quality performance levels and customer support issues.

A very good approach for you in sifting through the thousands of website hosting companies that are available is for you to look at the ratings and the reviews of the web hosting services on the market. To help you make a decision about which is the correct small business website hosting company, you need to realise a few things. By choosing a provider to work with is not just about what is being offered that matters. You really need to decide upon what is the amount that you can afford, but you also need to bear in mind the web hosts reputation. This, along with efficient customer service and assistance with technical issues.

You can usually count on 2 methods that web hosting companies will be rated. One of them is through user reviews and ratings while the other is by industry level reviews and ratings. The industry standards will tend to cover the technical pieces, and that’s what does the company cover and offer you, and also how reasonable they are, the type of up and down times they have. These user ratings are more likely going to be much more important to those people who have had little to no experience with web hosting providers. These users ratings will be created by the individuals who have used the service and will give you a clearer picture on how it’s been for you with the service. If you are going through all the various hosting services with the best ratings that will assist you to narrow down your research.

In the end, you’ll need to look into what services you’ll be getting for your dollar. Most of the hosting providers are able to offer you a variety of plans at different price levels, with lots of features, web software and new technologies included. There also are some things that can be offered as an option or as an add on for an additional cost. The prices that you will pay at some of the companies for a cheaper level of services may be equal the amount as the more expensive levels at other hosting company. For this and other reasons it is essential that you find out what you will need to run your site smoothly and then try to find the right web directory to consult company that will meet your needs.

Using Article Marketing to Maximize SEO

You can effectively maximize your site’s search engine optimization (SEO) by having your article marketing outsourced when you are trying to sell a service or product through the Internet.  SEO encompasses the steps for letting your website gain the best ranking that it could get for certain keyword searches in the results pages of the search engine.  If the URL site gets on the first page of the results, you have a good chance of being visited by the Web surfer.

Unique articles represent a low-cost method for gaining more traffic to your website, which in turn leads to a higher chance of being able to market your product or service.  One role of the articles is to let you put in the keywords and phrases that you have estimated to be those that a potential customer of your service or product will type in when he wants to search for your type of service or product.  In this manner, your site gets indexed by the search engine spiders and will be included in the list when the specific keywords and phrases that you have included in the articles are typed in by the Internet surfer.

An important step to take is that you submit your unique articles to the sites that collect them.  These particular websites have high rankings in the search engines and because your links are contained in the articles that you have submitted to them, their high rankings will pull up your ranking as you submit more and more articles to them and the number of backlinks to your site increases.

The second purpose of the articles is the natural generation of backlinks to your site.  Search engines, particularly Google, consider backlinks as an indicator of the popularity of your site.  The more backlinks you have from quality sites, the better your search engine results pages ranking will be.  Also, you may gradually become an expert in your specific field as you get more and more articles published on those websites.  As a result, more and more people would want to create a link on their websites that is directed towards your site so that this will accelerate the growth of the the number of backlinks to you.

As you can see, marketing with articles on tap plays a key role in maximizing your SEO efforts.  And if you feel that you do not have enough time to write those articles, you can always depend on article writing services.  The prices offered for the quality articles are quite affordable.