PPC advertising is a very effectual tool that could build you a fortune when done properly, but it can also drain your coffers fast with just a dose of recklessness. If you’re new in this type of advertising, you will have to research significantly about it before embarking on a campaign. It may cost you some, but if you’re after only qualified traffic, market-targeted customer lists, worldwide market reach and high sales potential, you won’t have a thing to regret with Pay Per Click Advertising. Fortunately, you will have a number of options to consider for your investment, the most popular of which is Google Adwords. Although advertising guidelines on Google have had to evolve over the five years it’s been in existence, the company remains on top of its league. At present, it eats up about nearly fifty percent of all online searches with the second and third-ranking engines combined not even coming close. In other words, putting your ads there is almost a guarantee of significant qualified traffic to your site. However, this can also be taken that with insufficient knowledge and the wrong moves, you could be easily quashed by competition. One particular change that Google underwent had something to do with the separation of Search Ads and Content Ads, which means an advertiser may bid independently on both at the same time. This means ads on Google Adwords will also be placed on the websites of other companies offering related products or services and other affiliate networks. If you’re an advertiser, it’s essential that these two methods are used and maximized separately from each other. You will also have the option of paying less for traffic from content ads or striking them off your game plan all in all. It is preferred, however, that these ads be launched as a different campaign even if you intend to run them regardless of cost. This may be a boring task but the point is to track your ads to know where your money’s going. Once your web statistics tell you which ads are doing their job and which aren’t, you’ll know which ones to retain and which to discard. Running both of these in a single campaign will, of course, be unworkable. While all this may sound complicated for any PPC newbie, things can and will be learned with a lot of assiduousness and resourcefulness. A good book, for example, will be a great investment if you’d like to do well with your ads. Remember that one-half of every good ad campaign is knowing how good or bad it’s getting to be. When you real web traffic statistics and a scientific approach to conversion tracking, you can be assured that your ads are going where they should because you’ll know when and how to lead them to that right path.
Getting Started In Internet Marketing
When you hear the term “internet marketing“, what do you think of?
For many, that term conjures thoughts of websites or spamming or search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. For others, it’s all about graphical design, writing fancy code or even affiliate programs. All of those answers correct, but the essence of internet marketing is much simpler.
At its core, internet marketing is about these things:
* Understanding the target market to which the product/service/cause you’re marketing will appeal
* Determining exactly how your target market interacts with the internet
* Positioning your content on the internet to attract the attention of your target market
* Collecting information about your target market (also known as “leads”) for follow-up and conversion into sales
* Design of offers or incentives to induce the desired actions from your leads
Since there is insufficient space in this article to give all of these topics adequate attention, let’s focus on just one specific topic with the realm of internet marketing: Email Marketing.
My best payoff has always come by focusing on permission-based email marketing. Permission-based email marketing refers to the practice of collecting information (including email addresses) from website visitors and communicating with them via e-mail with their direct consent. The “permission” aspect of permission-based email marketing is what separates legitimate email marketers from the spammers that everyone despises.
My love of email marketing is strong for one reason: It works very well. Email marketing has been much like a never-ending goldmine: It enables us to produce income on demand simply by sending a good offer to our list. When you have thousands of loyal subscribers – as we do – and you put a strong and compatible offer in front of them, income becomes nearly automatic.
However, the key to successful email marketing is the development of a legitimate trust relationship with your subscribers. If you opt to send your subscribers a request for purchases every single day, they will likely tire of your badgering and cease reading your emails altogether.
Alternatively, if you take the time to provide good content to your readers on a regular and frequent basis, you’ll discover that your readers take all of your emails far more seriously, and as a result your emails will be opened, read and acted upon with greater frequency. Essentially, email marketing is really an exercise in trust.
Even though there are more sides to internet marketing than just email marketing (permission based), email has been the foundation that our business sits on.
Google Adsense Allowed Sites!
Alright everyone,
I was wondering why lately my Adsense money was in the tanker.
I mean; I’ve got several sites with Adsense Ads on just about all of them. “When you are getting a whole lot of traffic you should be making some bank”
Here’s the kicker, If you have not updated and listed your allowed sites, you will have ads running on them still but will not make one penny unless you list your sites that are allowed.
While I understand the reason behind this, I don’t recall getting an email from them about it. Maybe I missed it or it got tossed in my junk folder.
Make sure you go to your Google Adsense account and hit the link that says Allowed Sites.
Google will take it from there.
Do this right now.
Till next time,
Rhonda Giarraffa
Hostgator Affiliates Are Rakin…
Hostgator Affiliates Are Raking in the dough. Well not exactly dough balls per say but hard cold cash on each referred sale. Hostgator is one of the most beloved web-hosting companies out there and for good reason.
They have a great back panel that is easy to use. The simplicity to crank out a word press blog using a cute little icon called “Fantastico” lets folks create a fully functioning website in a matter of a few hours.
I have personally used Hostgator for all of my hosting needs and have not found anything better.
If you are just getting started on line and are looking for a solution to your hosting needs, you can get your hosting up and running in about ten minutes with Hostgator Hosting.
Now, if you are an affiliate marketer, you will want to jump on the affiliate site for Hostgator and start promoting like crazy.
If you are just getting started as an affiliate and are not quite sure how to set up your sites yet, you can grab some of my free tutorials on affiliate marketing so you can get a better picture of how everything works.
Ways To Promote Hostgator:
You will hear me say it a thousand time if not more… Promote what you know! Either use or have a deep knowledge in the product you promote.
1. Set up your own Hostgator account and get familiar with the cpanel.
2. Sign up to become an affiliate with them
3. Write an article or review post on the service and how it will benefit your readers that are looking for a web hosting service company.
4. Create a tutorial on how to use the product. This will require a software like Camtasia Studio.. (my personal weapon of choice) You can get the free version on line which is camtasia 3.. It’s not as powerful as version 6 but it will do just fine if you are starting out new at this.
5. Don’t present this like a hard sell. Just give the facts and the money will take care of itself.
6. Be sure to let your readers know that you have a coupon for Hostgator available. This is very strong to use.
I hope to see you all rake in the Hostgator profits.. Oh and by the way, did I mention the take on it is about $50 bucks? Saweet!!!
Happy Marketing!
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